Friday, April 20, 2012

Victorian Stoicism: Charge of the Light Brigade and Invictus

Consider these two poems as representations of the stoicism that marked much of British Victorian work.  How does this concept play out in Tennyson's piece? (You may need to research the event that inspired the poem to gain a better understanding of tension and context of the piece.) 
Then, we have the perennial favorite, "Invictus." Discuss the beliefs expressed in this poem and probe its emotional resonance.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Flower in the crannied wall

Please read Tennyson's "Flower in the crannied wall" (copied below).  According to this poem, what is the essence of all things?

FLOWER in the crannied wall,
I pluck you out of the crannies;—
Hold you here, root and all, in my hand,
Little flower—but if I could understand
What you are, root and all, and all in all,
I should know what God and man is.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

#5 William Blake: The Arist, The Poet

After you read "Lamb" and "Tyger" a few times, take a some minutes and look at the artwork by William Blake.

Consider his written and visual art, What characterizes Blake's work? What topics and spiritual/soulful questions does he explore in his work?  What do you get out of his poems and art? Pls cite a specific poem or piece of art that touched you.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

#4 Ah, Keats!

Ok, Keats is tough for many.  The reward for making it through one of these three poems is to reach the depths of understanding, of universal truth, of angst, longing, loss, and connection between truth and beauty.  You read "When I have fears," "Grecian Urn," and "To Autumn."

So, my question to you is: which one of the three spoke to you? What did you hear? Was it the word choice used? The phrasing? The subtle images? The underlying meaning? Also, please write about what the process of understanding this poem was like for you. How many times did you have to read the poem before you really got it? How did you gain an understanding?

Blog #3: The Women of Shelley and Byron

Reflect on Shelley's "Waning Moon" and Byron's "She walks in beauty."  Do any words or phrases stick out to you?  What vision and image is presented in each poem? Consider the physical descriptions given, the author's feelings toward his subject, and what each may be saying about the women on whom they are musing.  Are there any similarities in the two images portrayed in these two poems?