Thursday, January 12, 2012

Hamlet Acts 1.3-2.2

These couple of acts show key plot points. Horatio tells Hamlet that he has seen the ghost of Hamlet's father for a couple of nights, and Hamlet demands that they go so that he can see his father. That night he see's his father, and while they are alone in the woods, the King tells Hamlet about how he was murdered by his Brother, and that Hamlet show avenge his father's loss, by pouring a big bowl of karma to his uncle. Then the ghost is gone and Horatio finds Hamlet where they swear to never say anything about that night, and if Hamlet is acting strange to think nothing of it. A while goes by, and the everyone is noticing why Hamlet's being so strange. Polonius thinks it's because he forbid his daughter to see him, but really it is because of his father's wishes. Hamlet literally can just not even bare to look at his uncle because of what he did, but also, he is starting to question life itself. Hamlet starts to think that the ghost might be the devil instead of his father. That's how insane he has become. His idea where he tells the jesters to re-make his father's death to see if humanity is basically real by his uncles reaction to it.

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