Thursday, November 3, 2011

If you had a friend who spoke to you in the same way that you sometimes speak to yourself, how long would you allow that person to be your friend?

How long would the friend be my dearest friend?                                      1
The one that speaks to me with what I think,
Just my own wisdom to me he can lend,
And my inconstant mind he writes in ink.
As an ally him I would not preserve,                                                          5
Two days and two nights my patience would last,
Since for new lore my mind I reserve,
I hear myself plenty, hence he mist avast.
The unheard, unknown I desire to see,
Seeking novel shades in uncharted realms,                                               10
And not learn from answers I can foresee,
But learn from those great sights that overwhelm.
But I don’t want to hear one of his words,
As my mind’ll see, what in my mind is blurred.


  1. good vocab! I really like that you used a poem, great job!

  2. i like how deep this is, and how you planned this out carefully. Most people, me included, did the normal essay but i like how you took it one step forward and did a poem

  3. this is such an awesome idea. it's so original, i would've never thought to do something like this. :)

  4. Since it was assigned as an in class writing I have never thought about writing a poem! I think this poem was awesome. It shows the author's thoughts.
