Donovan Park
Mrs. Boyle
Honors Lit and Comp II
The typical
thanksgiving usually involves the perfect family reunion. Everybody is so happy
to see each other, and the mood is generally full of love. Dinner is always perfect,
all the food cooked to a tee. Everybody talks about how grateful they are for
all the blessings and good joy they received over the past year. Now, me
personally, I’m grateful for every single thing I’ve got in this world except
thanksgiving that is. Let me tell you a story. A story called “THANK goodness
it’s over.”
Now you have to
realize my family basically gets together once in a blue moon, so Thanksgiving
is sacred past time. My mom runs around like a chicken with her head cut off.
Everything has to be perfect or in her mind she’s committed a mortal sin. That
being said, I literally never see her! She doesn’t even sit down at dinner.
She’s to infatuated with going around asking everyone “How’s the food? Is it
good? Are you sure, are you sure?” And this is just one piece of the puzzle.
My Dad, oh boy
where to start with my Dad, does superman work? You have to respect any man who
can deal with my Mother. Seriously, he acts as if she’s not even there, and if
she talks to him she gets the simple: “Yes Honey, sure honey, whatever you want
honey.” Man knows how to deal with woman! You see my Father understands that
having two neurotic parents doesn’t make for a very good time. So he simply
shrugs everything off. I remember one year the dog literally jumped up on the
table, knocked all of the food onto the floor that my Mother had spent hours
slaving over a hot oven to make, and all my Father had to say was: “It’s no big
deal, I’ll order take out.” As if that’s what he really wanted to happen in the
first place, I mean my Mom isn’t the best cook but at least she tries.
now that you know more about my parents I should probably talk about my other
family members, that for whatever reason it may be actually enjoy this dreadful
holiday at my house. Basically my “two families” are polar opposites. On my
Mother’s side you have the very uptight, snobby, pessimistic, and quite frankly
too rich to care about anything other than money, fine wine, and “purified”
water people. Like seriously, water is water! There the type of people that
would literally buy cloth napkins just for show, but never actually use them. I’ve
never seen such arrogant people in my life either. One time my Aunt Jane
literally refused to eat the turkey because she didn’t help in the preparation
of the stuffing and thus deemed it “un pure.” Because according to her stuffing
is the most hallowed of all thanksgiving foods because it’s representative of some
mumbo jumbo she read from one of those crazy magazines woman love to read, ugh
who cares she’s a lunatic. I’ve also never heard a woman complain so much in my
life, and that’s saying something. If I had to pick two quotes that perfectly
describe my Aunt Jane on Thanksgiving it would be these: “The turkey is to
dry.” “I don’t know why you did it like this; I would have done it like this.”
I SWEAR in her eyes she’s Jesus. I bet if you asked talked to her she would say
her stuffing is the reason we are forgiven for our sins, and not because Jesus
actually died on the cross. She might possibly have the falsest opinion anyone
could ever have of themselves, but that’s beside the point like I said she’s
crazy. Now you must be thinking that there has to be at least one normal person
in my family, WRONG. I’d like to introduce you to my Uncle Eddie, another
psychotic part of my Mother’s family. Now it’s hard for me to really elaborate
on who this guy is because I honestly only see him at Thanksgiving or
Christmas, basically whenever he’s getting free gifts or food. And I swear he
thinks my parents are an ATM machine: “ Darla, honey the house looks fantastic
as do you of course….you guys look like you’re doing well for yourselves here,
anyway you could help your favorite brother out?” This statement usually ends
with some crazy scheme he’s skewed up and if it actually ever went through
you’d probably see him on CNN the next morning, most likely behind bars. Funny
thing, this guy literally had it made. Typical rich kid story pampered his
whole life and pleasured with all the delicacies of the “high life”. My
grandparents, rest there poor souls, left him with 400,000 dollars. He somehow managed
to blow most of that away probably at some exotic casino in Hawaii. Boy does he
love Hawaii. And the sad thing is he’s burnt so many bridges that nobody is
willing to help him out. Quite frankly I think he’s a bum, you’d think he would
try to change for the better or something like that, but no whatever….Well
that’s enough about my Mother’s family. You must be stoked to learn about my
Father’s family right?
Father’s side of the family, oh brother this should be fun. The one compliment
I give them is that they might possibly be the most down to Earth people in our
family, but that’s most likely because their more country than a dirt road full
of potholes. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen one of them grab a piece
of turkey with their bare hands, or how many times I’ve seen left over rabbit
that my Uncle Charlie made sitting in my fridge because nobody ate it. Don’t
get me started on Uncle Charlie. He’s the quietest man in the world except for
when it’s “game time.” He sits there the whole day gnawing on chips, drinking
beer, and uttering sports trivia that nobody cares about. And when a
“touchdown” is scored he acts as if he’s trapped in a bubble and the only means
of it popping is if he screams at the top of his lungs and jumps around like a buffoon.
Ha-ha, that reminds me of the time when the opposing team scored and my Father
did the same thing just to prove a point. I remember Charlie saying: “Shut up,
I’m trying to listen.” The life of a hypocrite got to love it. You couldn’t
imagine this man ever being a father right? Well he is. My little cousin Brian
spawned from that man and is probably the worst part of our family get
togethers. Brian doesn’t seem to understand that asking literally a million
questions that make absolutely no sense to anyone but himself doesn’t make him
look any smarter: “Did you know the astronomical symbol of the moon actually
represents the pre-roman perquisite of the cookie?” WHERE DOES HE GET THIS
STUFF! He also believes that it’s his job to run around and turn every single
TV on, stick his hand in every bag of chips, and he must go downstairs to the
basement, lug about 5 boxes of toys, and turn the living room into Toys R Us.
He’s the kid that you slap when he’s not looking, and act as if nothing
happened. He’s definitely the icing on the cake when it comes to Thanksgiving.
we come to the end of my story “el fin” as I like to call it. My grandparents,
boy do I love these guys, after all there the only Grandparents I have left. Now,
remember back to when I said there were no normal people in my family? I lied,
a twist! The most genuine, non-self-absorbed people I know. I look at them as
the “glue” of the family, because without them everything would fall apart. The
ultimate peace makers, they require the upmost respect. My Grandfather a
Vietnam veteran, enough said. Nobody ever acts up around him, not only because
he has that intimidating military thing going on, but also because nobody wants
to get caught up in what I call the “Vortex.” I honestly to this day believe he
wrote that movie called the “Never Ending Story”. I remember one time little
Brian came crashing into the room and snagged a piece of chicken right out of
my Father’s hand. And I just remember Grandpa saying: “Aye boy do you want to
know how I lost my pinkie finger? Do something like that again and I’ll tell
you how.” I swear he uses it to his own advantage now, like he’s had some
conscious breakthrough and now realizes the true deadliness he possess with his
mouth. I love that guy, but not as much as my Grandmother she’s amazing. She
gives so much. One time she overheard me talking about this new video game I
wanted “Radio Jam” if I recall. She called me over and slipped me a 20 dollar
bill and said: “Have some fun, I love you.” I have so much respect for her
because she grew up with literally nothing, at the age of 12 she was sent to a
foster home and by 19 was out on the streets by herself. She worked 3 jobs for
many years until finally her blessing came. She received an offer to be the
manager of a very affluent banking company. She kept that job for 40 years.
Although she may not be the richest person in the world she surely lives a
comfortable life. In my eyes she’s the reason my parents are still together.
One Thanksgiving about 8 years ago my parents got into a terrible fight. My Dad
had missed Thanksgiving dinner, and basically it led to my Mom accusing him of
adultery. Which was a Ludacris acquisition to make, because my Dad would never
do that in a million years, but hey she’s a woman can’t blame her. Anyway, I
remember my Grandmother getting up and saying: “I can’t take this anymore, you
two have something special going on here, and it would be a damn shame for you to
waste it. If you two love each other, fight for your love. Please don’t let ten
wonderful years go to waste. You only live once cherish every moment you have
together and don’t let something as stupid as this ruin it.” Isn’t she
fantastic? My Grandmother is grateful for every single breath she’s taken on
this Earth, and even the most insignificant facets of life make her happy.
That’s what it’s all about to me. I guess what I’m trying to say is I love my
family as foolish as they may be I’m a part of them just as much as they are a
part of me. They’ve grown on me. They let me know that I’m human because I can
be myself around them, and they are surely themselves around me. I guess I should probably change the name of
this story. “THANK Goodness they’re a part of my life.”
It's a really cute story. There are a lot of good words being used, it was very descriptive. I really got a feel for how this holiday is for his family--it almost felt like I was there.
ReplyDeleteAS is, B+
Love Mallory and Laura (#swag)
cute story! the only thing is, it's all descriptions, there is not actual plot. Maybe if you had added some little story behind it. Sweet descriptions though!
ReplyDeleteGrade: B+
SOLID A. well developed characters. i evjoy the still scene peices like this. also, i liked the progression through all of the characters.
ReplyDelete@ Comp.Class- Thanks appreciate it! I would have added more of a plot, but I felt as if just focusing on the development of characters and description would be more beneficial to the presentation of my paper. We read the Canterbury prologue which is all description and helps set up the actual story, so I felt it would be more appropriate to do it this way.
ReplyDeletei liked your story D! swagged ouutt, but it needs a little work. The beginning does not really flow but it picks up towards the end
ReplyDeleteGrade: B
Donovan!!! This was written exactly how the Canterbury format is represented. You fit every character with a detailed description. Your story was humorous and really showed the realness between a family. Great job. A
ReplyDeleteThanks Gemma! Appreciate it that's exactly what I was trying to do haha.